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Boarding Pass

Wifi & Important Rental Information

Everything your guests need to know about your property, all in one place.

  • Save your guests’ time by providing key information a tap away
  • Avoid last-minute calls from guests
  • Pro-actively prevent bad reviews
Wifi details in a rental property

No more late-night messages from guests

Share Wifi Information Before and during their Stay

Wifi is one of the top amenities that guests search for in vacation rentals; and one of the top 5 questions asked by guests upon arrival.

Your Wifi information becomes available in the Boarding Pass after verification

Guests with an emergency?

Customize your boarding pass with your very own emergency hotline: call, text, email, whatsapp, facetime (coming soon)! Simply insert your number, and guests can one tap connect with you.

Providing your guests with an emergency contact

No more late-night messages from guests

Digitize and automate your vacation rental agreements and hotel rules.
Boost reviews, drive direct bookings and save housekeeping time with contactless checkout.
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