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How to maximize space in your rental

By March 8, 2021July 24th, 2024No Comments

Finding a place to stay or rent is always a mixed bag. The advertised pictures may make the place look absolutely humongous, but when you get there, you’ve arrived at a shoebox. So how can you, as a property manager, maximize space in your property so that guests won’t feel claustrophobic or worse. It’s a question that every interior decorator has faced many times, and will continue to face as long as there are small apartments and properties. So how can you maximize space in a small property?

Lighting and Colour

Lighting and colour can play a big roleDarker colours and lack of lighting, make the room or place seem smaller than it actually is. If your place is on the smaller side, try repainting to a brighter, more relaxing colour: off whites, light greens and light blues are all solid options. Lighting plays an important role in space maximization. European countries love their natural light and they’re also great at maximizing it. If you have large windows, or any windows at all, make those a focal point.


Quality furniture won't go out of style

If your property is very cluttered or has way too much furniture, no matter how big the place is, it will feel cramped. By only having choice pieces of furniture in your apartment, you will ensure that your place looks fantastic. Invest in quality, minimalist furniture that you know will last for a long time. As well, if you have closets, or you have the ability to turn them into very creative storage options.


Like I hinted at above, closets are very handy to maximize your space. By adding closet organizers or other items that can sort items, you will be able to maximize your space. The ability to store as much stuff properly is a very important skill to have if you are trying to maximize space.

If you’ve already tried these tricks and you have others that work for you, feel free to share your stories and information to us, or if you have any questions, you can email us at

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