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If you think you’ve milked every opportunity to make more money from your rental, think again.  Automation is the new kid on the block and its impact is unprecedented.  Automation may come off as scary, or difficult, but the more you play and mess around with it, you’ll notice how many more things you can accomplish in less time.  If you’re currently on the fence about transitioning into a smart home, hopefully this will help nudge you in the right direction.

make more money

Automating Your Short Term Rental

Becoming a short term rental or vacation host requires a lot of dedication and hard work to make sure everything runs smoothly, and that first and foremost your guests have their ideal stay.  Airbnb offers a Superhost distinction to those that have gone above and beyond when renting their property, but it’s no easy feat.  Having to acquire a rating of 4.8 or higher and at least a 90% response rate are just a couple of the criteria. Although these may seem like daunting goals, the payoff is definitely worth it.  According to AirBnb’s website, becoming a Superhost will promote your rental in more searches, emails, and will even set your rental aside in a special category.  They also mention an increase in revenue from the increased visibility on their site — which makes sense given more eyes on your property will entail more rentals.  There are other benefits (like gift cards and other things) but these are the big ones.  So the question is how can I make this happen? This is where the automation comes in.

Five Star

When preparing your rental on a booking site, such as Airbnb, guests are given the opportunity to rate their stay and your rental after they’ve stayed. The problem is however, there is nothing that reminds the guest to rate your property.  Yes, you can absolutely message every guest individually after their stay to rate your rental, but that can be incredibly laborious, especially with many guests. Having a PMS can help with this by automating the process of reminding your guests, so you don’t have to worry about it. You’ve now conquered the rating system, but what about that pesky response rate? Well, having quick replies with a handful of guests isn’t too hard, but as soon as you have more and more guests, it gets exponentially more stressful; again, this is where a PMS comes in. With a multi-channel inbox, you can see all of your guests in a streamlined messaging platform, so you don’t have to fumble between applications or keep tying a ribbon around your finger to message guests you’ve forgotten about. This way you’re able to keep everything and everyone all in one place.

If you believe your rental is Superhost material, but doesn’t have the distinction yet, don’t worry, try a PMS that suits you, and you’ll notice a difference in time spent and time saved.  Here at Enso Connect, we are here to field any questions you might have so don’t hesitate to email if you want to learn more about automation and how you can make more money.  And remember, you are Superhost material!

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