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Making your rental cozy

Ways to Make Your STR Cozy and Comfortable

Coziness. It’s a debatable and very subjective topic, but somehow can affect almost everyone. Your vacation rental business is no different, and the cozy factor, although less thought about, is actually quite paramount to the enjoyment of the guests and their stay. By adding certain aspects and features, you can turn your hum-drum short term rental, into something incredibly spectacular.

If you’ve been to a restaurant and your server lit a candle at your table, it’s not because the restaurant loves candles, but because they want you to have a better experience. The natural warmth and glow of the candle create atmosphere, and an incredible ambiance. It makes the restaurant goers feel more comfortable and also increases their enjoyment as they feel like they’re able to destress. Candles are a very important part of increasing the ambiance of your rental, and considering you can find them almost anywhere, they should be at the top of your list for things to have in your home.

Just like candles, other types of lighting can also affect the ambiance and coziness of your home. If you have a lot of LED light fixtures, that’s okay! However, many common LED fixtures are the typical harsh bluelight that make almost any environment feel sterile and emotionless. By investing in a different type of lightbulb (that’s still energy efficient), you can create an atmosphere that makes guests feel calm.

Besides lighting, you can also add physical touches to your rental to increase their comfort and the cozy factor. A really good quality, soft, and warm blanket is another terrific addition for your property. Who doesn’t feel like cuddling up on a couch with a warm blanket while maybe even enjoying a nice warm cup of tea. The blanket only enhances the enjoyment of the environment. Beware of cleanliness of this blanket however, as just like with your linens, you are going to want to clean this just as frequently.

If you are someone who prides themselves as a cozy-expert, feel free to drop us a line for more suggestions! Our email address is

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