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In Airbnb hosting, reviews are seen as more than just casual feedback from guests. Online ratings are a critical factor in attracting and keeping bookings. But, in the world of vacation rentals, how do you improve them? What makes a good or bad review? Are there any technologies out there that can help? 

Good reviews help your listing stand out, get noticed by more people, and appear higher in search results. But if you have few or negative reviews, it can scare away potential guests, making it difficult for new hosts to start or for experienced ones to keep their good reputation.

So, how do you build a trustworthy reputation, get feedback, give better guest experiences, address not-so-positive comments, and overall improve Airbnb reviews? In this article, discover key strategies to elevate your Airbnb ratings and guest satisfaction.

How to Improve Your Airbnb Reviews

All online reviews play a role for both homeowners and guests. For hosts, they are an indicator of their property’s appeal and the quality of service provided. For guests, reviews are invaluable as they offer real insights into what they can expect from their stay. They rely heavily on the experiences shared by previous guests to make informed decisions, ensuring the property meets their standards and expectations. 

Graphic showing a perfect 5.0 rating with laurel wreath, labeled 'Guest favorite' for a top-rated Airbnb property, with a graph illustrating a full five-star overall rating.

Understanding the Impact of Guest Testimonials

On Airbnb, the visibility and ranking of your property are significantly influenced by the reviews it receives. The platform’s search algorithm is designed to favor listings with more positive reviews. This is because Airbnb aims to reward properties that have consistently provided excellent guest experiences. So, the closer to a 5-star rating that you have, the more Airbnb will show your listing. 

In contrast, vacation rentals with fewer or mostly negative reviews may find themselves lower in search rankings. This can cause a struggle to gain the attention of potential guests, earn revenue, and succeed as an Airbnb host.

“Hosts aren’t allowed to charge guests a security deposit through our Resolution Centre or outside the Airbnb platform. Instead, we inform guests at the time of booking that their payment method may be charged if they cause damage during a stay.”

Bryan Williamson, Airbnb Superhost, from ‘Get more 5-star reviews

Common Challenges for Improving Reviews

From the cleanliness of the home to the experience of checking in to fulfilling guest expectations, there are many common factors and challenges that Airbnb properties face when being reviewed. 


One of the most cited reasons for negative reviews on Airbnb is cleanliness. Guests expect their accommodation to be as clean and tidy as a professional hotel room. Even small oversights in this area can lead to dissatisfaction and negative feedback. 


Effective communication is key to a successful Airbnb experience. Guests appreciate quick, clear, and helpful responses both before and during their stay. Miscommunications or delayed responses can lead to frustration and a poor overall impression, which might be reflected in their reviews.

Guest Expectations

Managing guest expectations starts from the moment they view the listing. Inaccurate or misleading descriptions about the property, its amenities, or its location can lead to disappointment upon arrival. 

Check-in/Check-out Experiences

The first and last impressions are lasting. A smooth, hassle-free check-in and check-out process contributes significantly to the guest’s overall experience. Complicated access to the property, lack of clear instructions, or an inconvenient check-out process can lead to bad reviews. 

Maximize Guest Satisfaction for Better Reviews

One of the main ways to increase your review ratings is to focus on the experiences of guests.  As a host, your goal is to go beyond just mere accommodation and create a seamless experience for your visitors.

Anticipate Needs

Think ahead about what your guests might require during their stay. This could be as simple as providing extra towels, toiletries, or a guide to local attractions.

Prompt Support

Be available to your guests for any queries or assistance they might need. Quick responses to inquiries or issues can make a big difference in their overall experience.

Clean and Comfortable Environment

Ensure your property is immaculately clean and comfortably furnished. Small comforts like quality bedding, a well-equipped kitchen, and a cozy living space can elevate the guest experience significantly.

Personalized Touch

Personalization can transform a good stay into a great one. Adding unique features or personal touches can make your property stand out and leave a lasting impression on your guests. 

  • Welcome Gifts: A small welcome gift, like a local delicacy, a handwritten note, or a small basket of essentials, can make guests feel special and appreciated.
  • Tailored Recommendations: Provide personalized recommendations for dining, sightseeing, and activities based on your guests’ interests. This shows thoughtfulness and a deep understanding of your local area.
  • Unique Decor: Infuse your space with character and charm. Whether it’s artwork from local artists, quirky furniture, or thematic decorations, these elements can make your property memorable and photo-worthy for guests.
Messages Phone

Effective Communication for Top-Rated Airbnb’s

One of the most impactful ways to secure positive Airbnb reviews is through clear and timely communication. It’s essential to establish a responsive communication channel with guests throughout their journey – before, during, and after their stay.

Effective communication not only solves immediate problems but also builds a relationship of trust and reliability with guests. This can greatly influence their overall satisfaction and the reviews they leave about their stay at your property. 

Before Arrival

Set the tone by providing guests with all the necessary information about their stay. This includes clear directions to the property, check-in instructions, and any house rules. Respond promptly to any queries they have before their arrival to ease any uncertainties.

During the Stay

Make yourself available to your guests. Quick responses to any questions or issues they face during their stay not only solve immediate problems but also demonstrate your commitment to their comfort and satisfaction.

After Departure

Following up after guests have checked out shows that you value their feedback and experience. A simple message thanking them for their stay and inviting them to leave a review can encourage them to share their positive experiences.

Step-by-step check-in instructions

Streamline Airbnb Check-in/Check-out Processes

The check-in and check-out experiences often leave lasting impressions on guests and can significantly influence their rating of the Airbnb property. 

A smooth and welcoming check-in sets a positive tone for the stay, while a hassle-free check-out leaves guests with a good final impression. These moments are opportunities to demonstrate your efficiency and attentiveness as a host, which guests are likely to mention in their reviews. 

Simplify Procedures

Consider implementing the following ideas to ensure your check-in and check-out processes are as smooth and stress-free as possible. 

Clear Instructions

Provide guests with clear, detailed instructions for check-in and check-out. Include any necessary codes, parking information, and steps to access the property. Visual aids like maps or step-by-step guides can be very helpful.

Self-Check-In Option

Consider using a lockbox, smart lock, or keypad for self-check-in. This allows guests to arrive on their own schedule, reducing the pressure on both guests and hosts.

Welcome Guide

A welcome guide or manual can enhance the check-in experience. Include information about the property, local tips, emergency contacts, and instructions for appliances.

Check-In Communication

Send a message on the day of arrival to confirm that everything is set for their check-in. Ask if they have any last-minute questions, reinforcing that you’re there to assist.

Flexible Check-Out

Whenever possible, offer flexible check-out times. This small gesture can greatly improve the guest’s convenience and overall experience.

Check-Out Reminders

On the day before check-out, send a friendly reminder with instructions for leaving the property. Include any specific tasks you’d like them to complete, such as turning off appliances or locking up.

Feedback Request

After check-out, reach out to thank them for their stay and invite them to share their experience in a review. This not only shows appreciation but also encourages them to provide feedback.

“[Responding to community question] It looks like the areas you scored lowest in were cleanliness and accuracy.

Do you feel that you've fixed these areas now?

We (my cleaner and I) had to come up with a checklist. When we're done cleaning, we "inspect" to make sure we got everything on our 60-something-item checklist. Everything from checking the beds for lint/hairs to ensuring the ice cube tray is filled.

A lower accuracy score means there's something surprising people. Either your listing makes a promise about something that isn't there or isn't as nice as promised, or it doesn't make mention of something that's disappointing (think of any sights, smells, noises that could be off-putting).

If you've already made changes to both these areas and your reviews are just catching up, then just keep at it. Ask an honest friend if there's anything they'd suggest. Guests can also be a great help if you ask. Sometimes we're blind to the flaws in our beloved homes. 😉”

Advice about improving overall ratings from Level 10 Airbnb Host in Airbnb Community Forum 

Maintain High Standards of Cleanliness

Cleanliness is a non-negotiable aspect of the guest experience in Airbnb hosting. When guests mention cleanliness issues in their reviews, it directly impacts any future bookings. 

Professional Cleaning Standards

Treat your Airbnb like a professional hospitality business when it comes to cleanliness. This may mean hiring professional cleaning services or adopting a thorough cleaning checklist to ensure no detail is overlooked. You wouldn’t want to stay in dirty accommodation that you paid for, so why should your guests? 

Regular Deep Cleaning

In addition to regular cleaning between guests, schedule deep cleaning sessions periodically. This includes areas often missed in regular cleanings, like under furniture, inside appliances, and other nooks and crannies.

Quality Supplies and Amenities

Use quality cleaning supplies and ensure amenities are well-maintained. This includes everything from fresh linens and towels to the cleanliness of kitchen utensils.

Clear Cleaning Protocols for Guests

Leave clear instructions for guests regarding any minor clean-ups you expect them to perform during their stay, such as dealing with trash or using kitchen appliances. We typically recommend avoiding asking guests to do any cleaning tasks. Guests are typically relaxing on a night away and not looking for extra duties. This can directly impact their review. 

Analyzing guest sentiment to elevate experience and eliminate bad reviews

Set and Manage Expectations

A way to improve Airbnb reviews is by setting realistic expectations for guests. Create listings that accurately reflect your property and its surroundings. When guests have a clear understanding of what to expect during their stay, it reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and disappointments. 

Be Honest and Clear

Avoid exaggerating the features of your property. If your apartment is cozy, don’t describe it as spacious. Honesty builds trust and helps manage guest expectations from the start.

Detailed Descriptions

Provide detailed descriptions of all areas of your property. Include specifics about the size of the space, the number of rooms, amenities available, and any unique features or quirks.

Quality Photos

Use well-lit and non-blurry photos that accurately represent the space. Include photos of all areas that guests will have access to. If there’s a beautiful view or a special feature, make sure to highlight it.

Local Area Information

Give guests an idea of what to expect in the surrounding area. Mention nearby attractions, accessibility to public transport, average noise levels, and any local tips that might enhance their stay.

Set the Scene

Use your listing to set the scene for what guests can expect during their stay. If your property is ideal for quiet retreats, highlight this aspect. If it’s perfect for exploring the city, focus on its location and proximity to key attractions.

Regular Updates

Keep your listing up-to-date with any changes or improvements to your property. Regular updates ensure that the information remains accurate and relevant.

Asking happy guests to rate their stay

Encourage and Respond to Feedback

Encouraging guests to leave reviews is another step in building your Airbnb reputation. Reviews provide valuable feedback for you as a host and can assist future guests in making informed decisions. Following up with guests post-stay in a friendly and non-intrusive manner can significantly increase the likelihood of them leaving a review. 

Timing is Key

Reach out within a few days post-stay. This timing ensures the experience is still fresh in their minds.

Personalized Requests

Send personalized messages thanking them for their stay and kindly asking them to share their experience in a review.

Use AI-Sentiment Tools

Utilizing tools like Enso Connect’s AI Sentiment feature can streamline the process of soliciting reviews. This feature enables you to set up automations based on guest sentiment – for instance, if a guest is “happy” or “content”, it automatically sends a message asking for a review. 

Free Review Template Responses for Airbnb Hosts

Here are usable template responses for hosts of Airbnb vacation rental properties to use when communicating with guests post-stay. These templates cover a range of review scenarios, from positive and constructive to neutral and negative. They allow hosts to respond appropriately and professionally in each case.

Response to a Positive Review

Dear [Guest’s Name],

Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We’re so happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay at our Airbnb. It was a pleasure hosting you and we’re delighted that you appreciated [specific aspect mentioned by the guest, e.g., the cozy decor or the convenient location]. 

We look forward to welcoming you back on your next trip to [Location]. 

Best wishes, 

[Your Name/Property Name]

Response to a Constructive Review

Hello [Guest’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We truly value your feedback as it helps us improve our guests’ experiences. We’re sorry to hear that [specific issue mentioned by the guest, e.g., noise levels] affected your stay. 

We are already taking steps to address this and ensure a more comfortable stay for the future. We hope to have the opportunity to host you again and provide a more enjoyable experience. 

Best regards, 

[Your Name/Property Name]

Grateful Response for a Detailed Review

Hi [Guest’s Name],

Thank you for your detailed review! We greatly appreciate your feedback on both what you loved and the areas where we can improve. It’s insights from guests like you that enable us to provide a better stay. 

We’re glad you enjoyed [specific aspect they liked] and will certainly work on [specific improvement suggested]. We hope to have the pleasure of hosting you again. 

Kind regards, 

[Your Name/Property Name]

Response to a Neutral Review

Dear [Guest’s Name],

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about your recent stay. We’re glad to hear you found [positive aspect mentioned by the guest] to your liking. We also noted your comments about [area of improvement]. Your feedback is very helpful for us to make necessary improvements. 

Thank you again, and we hope to offer you a more remarkable experience on your next visit. 


[Your Name/Property Name]

Apologizing and Responding to a Negative Review

Hello [Guest’s Name],

Thank you for your honest feedback. We sincerely apologize that your experience did not meet the high standards we strive to achieve. We take your concerns about [specific issue mentioned by the guest] very seriously and have taken immediate steps to address this. 

We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further and make things right. Please feel free to reach out to us directly at [contact email]. 

Warm regards, 

[Your Name/Property Name]

screen shot of birdseye review platofmr

Address Negative Reviews

Responding to negative reviews is just as important as the positive ones to improve Airbnb ratings. It demonstrates to future guests that you are committed to guest satisfaction. 

Professional Responses

When responding to negative feedback, remaining professional and constructive is important. Acknowledge the guest’s concerns, express empathy, and avoid defensive or confrontational language. Offer a clear explanation if necessary and highlight any steps you’re taking to address the issue. This approach can turn a negative situation into an opportunity to showcase your commitment to excellence.

Improvement Opportunities

​​Negative reviews should be seen as valuable feedback for improvement. Analyze the issues raised and consider how you can make changes to prevent similar complaints in the future. This continuous process of learning and adapting based on guest feedback can lead to enhanced service quality and better reviews over time.

Leverage AI and Review Systems

Integrating AI sentiment analysis with review systems like BirdEye or RevenueJump can be an effective tactic. This also helps you gain broader visibility and more third-party reviews.  Such systems can categorize guest experiences based on 1 – 5 star ratings. If a guest rates their experience a 5-star, they can be prompted to share their review on public platforms like Facebook or Google. 

Conversely, for lower 1-star ratings, guests can be directed to provide internal feedback. This feedback is not published publicly but sent to your team, allowing you to address issues directly without affecting your public review profile. This strategy not only helps in managing online reputation but also provides valuable insights for internal improvements. 

AI sentiment analysis to identify urgent guest issues
screen shot of trustindex review aggregator

Leverage Technology and Tools for Better Airbnb Reviews 

There are effective tools and technology to manage, promote, and analyze your reviews. They can provide crucial insights into common trends and issues in guest feedback, help you respond and manage feedback, and overall demonstrate to guests that you are attentive and proactive about their satisfaction. 

Try a Review Aggregator

Efficiently managing and showcasing reviews from various platforms can be time-consuming for property managers and hosts and can impact your Airbnb’s reputation. 

Review aggregators allow you to consolidate reviews from different sources such as Airbnb, Vrbo,, Google, and Facebook. This aggregation enables you to display a comprehensive view of guest feedback on your property management or direct booking website. 

Trustindex, for example, facilitates this by offering a widget that can be integrated into your website, showcasing these reviews in an accessible and visually appealing way.

ChatGPT for Review Management

ChatGPT can be a valuable asset for Airbnb hosts when it comes to crafting responses to guest inquiries and reviews. Whether you’re responding to a booking request, a question about your property, or feedback from a past stay, ChatGPT can help you draft responses that are both professional and personalized. 

Analyze Guest Reviews for Insights 

A practical use of ChatGPT is in analyzing guest reviews to identify common trends or issues. Feeding your reviews into ChatGPT can help summarize the most frequently mentioned points, whether they are positives or areas needing improvement. This analysis can uncover patterns that might not be immediately obvious, providing valuable insights into how to enhance your property and service. 

Actionable Solutions

Once common issues are identified, ChatGPT can also assist in suggesting the next steps. Copy and paste all of your reviews from your listing into ChatGPT and ask it to summarize the most common issues this listing faces and work towards resolving these common problems. 

For instance, if guests regularly comment on external noise levels, ChatGPT might suggest mentioning this in your listing to set proper expectations or recommend adding amenities like white noise machines or earplugs to mitigate the issue. This helps guests feel recognized and demonstrates transparency to future guests. 

Improve Review Management with Enso Connect

Enso Connect is designed to simplify the way property managers manage and respond to guest feedback. Integrating Enso Connect with your property management system can greatly improve Airbnb reviews. Here’s how.

AI Sentiment Analysis

A standout feature of Enso Connect is its AI Sentiment Analysis. This technology automatically gauges guest satisfaction throughout their stay. Analyzing communication patterns and keywords can determine the overall sentiment of the guests. If the guests are identified as happy or highly satisfied, Enso Connect can trigger an automated message encouraging them to leave a review. 

Integration with Review Systems

Enso Connect integrates seamlessly with popular review platforms like BirdEye and RevenueJump. This connection enables Airbnb hosts to gather, analyze, and respond to guest reviews across multiple platforms from a single dashboard. By analyzing review trends and feedback, homeowners can gain insights into what guests love about their property and areas where they can improve. 

Language Assistance

For Airbnb’s which cater to an international audience, Enso AI’s capability in multiple languages is particularly beneficial. It can help translate messages or assist in communicating effectively with guests who speak different languages. This not only breaks down language barriers but also contributes to a more inclusive and welcoming experience for guests from around the world.

Personalized Guest Engagement

Enso Connect’s integration enables personalized engagement with guests post-stay. It can automate thank-you messages and personalized review requests based on the guest’s stay, making each guest feel valued and increasing the likelihood of them leaving a review.

"Lifty Life uses all AI strategies to work towards getting better and better reviews over time. It’s really been helping us get better reviews, and have happier guests. Enso Connect's AI tools give us the lowdown on what our guests like and what we can do better. It's about making those small but smart changes based on real feedback. We're seeing our review ratings growing because of it. It's awesome to see how using tech in the right way can make such a big difference.”

Connor Griffiths, CEO of Lifty Life Hospitality

Chatgpt for Airbnb and vacation rental companies

How to Remove Reviews on Airbnb

While most reviews provide valuable feedback, some may violate Airbnb’s review policy. Familiarize yourself with the OTA’s review removal policy available on their website. 

In cases where a review violates these guidelines, you can use tools like ChatGPT to assist in flagging such reviews. ChatGPT can help you craft a well-structured argument to present to Airbnb Support, outlining the reasons why the review goes against their policy. This can be an effective way to manage your online presence and ensure fairness in the feedback displayed on your profile.

Steps for ChatGPT

  1. Copy and paste Airbnb’s review removal policy from their website into ChatGPT.
  2. Tell ChatGPT that you would like to be educated on the policy.  
  3. Add and run all of your reviews, asking ChatGPT to flag any comments that might go against the policy. 
  4. If any flagged comments come up, craft a well-structured argument to Airbnb Support outlining how the review is against their policy.
Screenshot of an Airbnb listing with a 4.77-star overall rating based on 100 reviews, highlighting high scores in cleanliness, accuracy, check-in, communication, location, and value.

How to Improve Your Airbnb Success

To get better Airbnb reviews, hosts must focus on keeping properties clean and making guest stays special. Make check-ins and check-outs easy for them, and be clear about what they can expect from staying at your place. Effective communication is important, as is responding professionally to both positive and negative feedback. Smart tool innovations are changing the way homeowners interact with guests and are shaping the future of guest satisfaction and property management.

Embrace these tools and techniques to improve Airbnb reviews. By doing so, you can exceed guest expectations, secure a steady stream of positive feedback, and establish yourself as a top-rated host in the competitive world of vacation rentals.

How can using Enso Connect improve my Airbnb reviews?

What are some effective ways to improve Airbnb reviews using AI tools?

What are the most important factors in an Airbnb listing that influence guest reviews?

How Enso Connect Can Help

Enso Connect offers an innovative solution for Airbnb hosts and property managers looking to enhance their guests’ experience and in return, their reviews. Enso Connect uses advanced AI capabilities to provide tools that streamline communication, personalize guest interactions, and efficiently manage feedback to effectively improve Airbnb reviews.

We encourage you to book a demo to see firsthand how Enso Connect can transform your Airbnb hosting experience.

I’m ready to book a demo.

Discover the power of Enso Connect’s innovative software solutions and unlock the full revenue potential of your vacation rental today!

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