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How to Make your Vacation Home Retiree friendly

By November 3, 2020July 24th, 2024No Comments

Like the last couple of blog entries, this one also follows the same suit where we talk about a particular demographic that you are trying to target. For this example, we will be discussing how to rent your Airbnb to an older age group (guests 60 years old and older). This group is definitely different from the previous ones we’ve discussed, as they are past the raging party stage, and they are certainly not kids.  For people in this age group, you have to figure out what they want, their health and abilities, and what they are worried about when renting.  If you figure the answers for these, you can figure out how to better target them.

Renting to retirees can be complicated

Most people in this demographic are very much unlike the other two we discussed. However, it is paramount that you open a dialogue with them, so you are best able to figure out what they’d like. Unlike families and millennials, retirees are less fussed by partying and probably won’t.  If you’re wondering what they want, what better way to find out than ask them! You’ll never know by just assuming, and it also is a great way to strike a good conversation with your potential guests.

Messaging guests is a great way of reducing complications

Asking the right questions

One big concern you must consider is their health.  As humans get older, injuries become more common, and more serious. You should review your property to ensure that everything is easily accessible by anyone that is going to rent. This is another time where you should discuss things with your potential guest.  Asking questions like, “Is there anything you would like to see in the property?” or “Is there anything you’d like me to consider to make this rental more accessible to you?” are both really good questions to ask, as they aren’t necessarily intrusive and also show that as a host you are caring.  I know I’m mentioning these questions for this demographic, but even if you aren’t focusing on retirees, these are also good questions in general, as it can make a good impression on the guest.

Another concern you may want to bring up with your potential guest is the amount of noise they are comfortable with in the apartment.  Let me be clear, this is not noise made by the guest, but the noise made by neighbouring houses or streets.  This one could be crucial.  If your guest is looking to go away for a relaxing vacation and are awakened at two in the morning by some drunk teenagers — it just doesn’t scream relaxing. Even if your guest doesn’t end up booking with you because you believe your location isn’t the most subdued, it’s a good idea to bring it up, or else risk a bad review!

The last concern I’m going to mention today is ease of access into the rental.  I touched on it a little bit about the accessibility aspect, but for this I am talking about the actual process of unlocking the door — literally accessing the rental.  You want this to be the easiest part of the whole experience, so that they aren’t confused or lost.  If you have smart locks or other smart devices: great! They are already super easy to use, but I would recommend an instruction manual for the guests, just in case. If you don’t have any smart devices or locks, that’s still okay, but the ease of getting into the rental may be compromised.  If you are looking to transition your property into an automated home, we have a few resources that you can check out.  As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email or visit our website at

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